
The basic table component give us the opportunity to describe a corporate design table just with a dictionary and there options. There are two dictionaries to pass, the columns description and the options for the table. After the table is described, we can pass any data to the table and it will be rendered.

import BasicTable from "@/basic/table/Table.vue";

export default {
    components: {
    data() {
        return {
            options: {
                striped: true,
                hover: true,
                bordered: false,
                borderless: false,
                small: false,
                pagination: 10,
            columns: [
                {name: "Title", key: "name"},
                {name: "Created At", key: "createdAt"},
                {name: "Manage", key: "manage", type: "button-group"},
            data: [
                {name: "Test", createdAt: "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
                manage: [
                    {name: "Edit", icon: "edit", action: "edit"},
                    {name: "Delete", icon: "delete", action: "delete"},
    methods: {
        action(data) {
            console.log("Action: ", data.action);
            console.log("Params: ", data.params);


The columns are described in the columns dictionary. The dictionary contains the following keys:

  • name: The name of the column, which will be displayed in the table header.

  • key: The key of the data, which will be displayed in the table body.

  • type: The type how the data is displayed, available types: icon, button, button-group, toogle, badge, datetime, icon-selector. As default it will be displayed as text.

  • sortable: If the column is sortable, the column will be displayed with a sort icon and the data can be sorted by this column.

  • sortKey: The key of the data, which will be used for sorting. If the sortKey is not set, the key will be used.

  • filter: If the column is filterable, the column will be displayed with a filter icon and the data can be filtered by the passed array.



The icon type will display the data as an icon. The data must be a string and the string must be a valid icon name.


The button type will display the data as a button. On Buttons can be actions passed, which will be emitted on click. You can also pass a icon and a title to the button.

Button Group

The button-group type will display the data as a button group. On Buttons can be actions passed, which will be emitted on click. Simple pass an array of buttons to the data.


The datetime type will display the data as a datetime. The data must be a string and the string must be a valid datetime.

Icon Selector

The icon-selector type will display the data as a icon selector. The data must be a string and the string must be a valid icon name. On icon selectors can be actions passed, which will be emitted on click.


The options are described in the options dictionary. The dictionary contains the following keys:

  • striped: If the table is striped, the table will be displayed with striped rows.

  • hover: If the table is hoverable, the table will be displayed with hoverable rows.

  • bordered: If the table is bordered, the table will be displayed with borders.

  • borderless: If the table is borderless, the table will be displayed without borders.

  • small: If the table is small, the table will be displayed with small rows.

  • pagination: If the table is paginated, the table will be displayed with pagination. The pagination can be set to false to disable the pagination or to a number to set the pagination size.


It is also allowed to use a complex pagination.


pagination: {
  serverSide: true,
  itemsPerPage: 10,
  itemsPerPageList: [10, 25, 50, 100],
  total: 0,
  showPages: 3,
  • serverSide: If the pagination is server side, the pagination will be displayed with a server side pagination.

For serverSide pagination, you have to update the data by your own with an emit event:

paginationUpdate(data) {
  console.log("Pagination update: ", data);