User Statistics

If users agree to the collection of their behavior traces during registration, the CARE frontend collects and stores the user face interaction traces in the database. This data can be used to analyze the importance of different features, compare different implementations and simply generate statistics on users.

If you add new features or components, it makes sense to extend the user statistics logging. Below we outline the stats logging interface and how to log new interactions.

User Statistics Logging

To log statistics you need to provide an action type (i.e. the type of interaction you are logging) and an arbitrary data object that specifies the parameters of the interaction (e.g. the page number that is moved into the viewport). Send these information over the websocket on the stats message type, to log them in the database.

if (this.acceptStats) {
    this.$socket.emit("stats", {
      action: "<action type>",
      data: {}                      //add any data information into the object

Each logged user interaction is assigned a timestamp (according to the time of storing in the backend) and the user id allowing to generate trace data from all logged interactions.


Statistics are only logged if the user has agreed to the data collection during registration! If the user has not agreed, we do not log any statistics. This is ensured by the backend! But we also want to reduce the network traffic and the load on the backend, so make sure you check the acceptStats flag!

You can inject the acceptStats variable into any component by using:

inject: {
    acceptStats: {
        default: () => false

Logging a New Interaction

Let’s assume we want to log a new interaction specialButtonClick upon click on a button. Please always use camelcasing for the action types and make them uniquely identifiable for a specific component in the frontend. This helps to keep track of the different interaction types and process them in the database.


While more fine-grained behavior logging implies more information, be aware that each logged interaction causes network traffic and requires database storage. Please have this in mind and check if you want to track very frequent interactions (e.g. mouse movements) or when you log large accompanying statistics data (e.g. whole paragraph texts).

To log the button click, we can simply execute the statistics logging snippet defined above on click of the button. Likewise, you can listen to component events (using a watch) or child component messages (using @ on child messages).

For our simple example, the code would look like this:

 <button id="specialButton" @click="log">Hello!</button>
methods: {
        if (this.acceptStats) {
            this.$socket.emit("stats", {
              action: "specialButtonClick",
              data: {id: Math.random()}

Advanced Logging Class

The BehaviorLogger class is a dedicated logging class that unifies several high-level logging functions in one file. It is designed to serve as a centralized baseclass for the existing logging functionalities, minimizing the effort of adding new logging functionalities and to keep the logging logic in one place, without cluttering the project’s components.

The class is implemented in the file frontend/src/assets/behaviorLogger.js.

Currently, the class logs the following interactions:

  • Device & Browser Information

  • Route Changes

  • Tab visibility changes

  • Mouse move events

  • Click events

  • Specific key down events (currently only cmd/ctrl + f to detect search start)

  • Window focus events (currently only used to detect search end)

Extending the Logging Class

To log a new interaction, you can extend an existing logging function or create a new one. For example, we could extend the key down logging function to log a new interaction when the user presses a specific key or key combination:

handleKeyDown(event) {
    // Previous code ...
    if ((event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) && event.key === 'f') {
        // Search started
    // New code ...
    if (event.key === 's') {

The handleNewInteraction function would then dictate the logic on how to interpret the event and send the log to the statistics table.

handleNewInteraction() {
    this.socket.emit("stats", {
      action: "newInteraction",
      data: {id: Math.random()}


When extending the BehaviorLogger class, make sure to follow these general guidelines:

  1. Bind new logging functions in the constructor to maintain the correct context.

  2. Add new event listeners to both init() and destroy() methods.

  3. Use the existing WebSocket connection (this.socket.emit) to send data to the backend.

  4. Consider performance optimizations (like debouncing) for frequent events.

Usage in CARE

The BehaviorLogger class is instantiated in the main App component (App.vue). It is initialized after the application settings are loaded, as it requires access to certain configuration values (like the mouse debounce time).

This initialization ensures that user behavior logging begins as soon as the application is ready, providing comprehensive tracking of user interactions from the start of the user session.